Weed Identification
Broadleaf Weeds
These are some characteristics of broadleaf
plants that will aid in identification.
Ochrea's are papery sheaths found where the petiole attaches
to the stem. This is characteristic of plants in the buckwheat
family. |
Grass and Grasslike Weeds
Photo Gallery
These are characteristics of grass and grasslike
weeds that will aid in identification.
The ligule and collar region of the
plant is where the main characteristics used for identification
are located. |
Stems |

A |

B |

C |
Grass leaves are either rolled (A)
or flat (B) within the stem. Sedges can be identified by a triangular
stem (C). |
Ligules and Auricles |


B |

C |

D |
Ligules of grasses will either
be absent (A), hairy (B), or membranous (C and D).The absence
and presence of auricles can be seen between images C and
D. |
Weed ID Keys
Broadleaf and Grass and Grasslike Weed Vegetative
Identification Keys
These keys describe 27 broadleaf and 20 grass or grasslike weed
found in corn and soybeans. They focus primarily on characteristics
leaf arrangements, true leaves, grass ligules, and cotyledons. Sketches
are used to determine proper identification.
Z840.1 Two keys, 8p ............................................
(bundle of 25) $30.00
ID keys are availible from ITCS group at UI.
Other Weed ID Keys
Web based weed identification key
Weeds of the North Central States
Early Spring Weeds of No-till Crop Production