University of Illinois: Pest Management & Crop Development Bulletin University of Illinois: Pesticide Safety and Education Newsletters
University of Illinois: Pest Management & Crop Development Bulletin
University of Illinois: Pesticide Safety and Education Newsletters
2003 Illinois Agricultural Pest Management Handbook 2003 Illinois Agronomy Handbook
2003 Illinois Agricultural Pest Management Handbook
2003 Illinois Agronomy Handbook
Tackling the Jungle of Winter Weeds The Future of Weed Control In Soybeans: How Many Options Will There Be?
Tackling the Jungle of Winter Weeds
The Future of Weed Control In Soybeans: How Many Options Will There Be?
Weed Research Reports 1999-2014
About WeedSOFT Ordering information, updates, and patches
About WeedSOFT
Ordering information, updates, and patches
Midwestern Turfgrass Weed Identification and Control Turfgrasses for the Midwest
Midwestern Turfgrass Weed Identification and Control
Turfgrasses for the Midwest
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences Crop Sciences| University of Illinois University of Illinois Extension