Field pennycress

Field pennycress

Field pennycress

Scientific Name Thlaspi arvense L.
Other Names Penny-cress and stink-weed.
Life Cycle winter annual
General Description Plant with a rosette of leaves and erect flowering stems. Fruits are winged pods.
Seedlings Cotyledons are bluish green, and oval to elliptical on long petioles. Young leaves are smooth, round to oval on petioles and arranged in a basal rosette.
True Leaves and Stem Leaves are lanceolate to ovate, with a wavy or toothed margin. Basal leaves do not persist until maturity. Stems are smooth, erect and have very few leaves. Stems leaves are sessile and have auricles where the leaf attaches to the stem.
Roots Taproot with secondary fiberous roots.
Flower and Fruit White, four-petaled flowers are produced in dense racemes. The racemes elongate with age. Fruits are flat, winged, circular (penny-shaped), with a notch at the apex. There are approximately 4-16 seeds in each fruit.